Monday, March 30, 2009

Chocolate Bunnies and Hot Cross Buns

Do miracles happen? You bet! The children are asleep, the kitchen's tidy and my brain can - for a change! - plan more than one day in advance. So what am I planning? Why, the Easter weekend, of course, which is why this is the second blog in a row about Easter. 

I remember the time when Easter would creep up on me unannounced. I would be looking forward to a 4-day weekend without remembering the occasion until the HR department placed a chocolate egg on my desk... but that was Before Children.

Nowadays Easter means school holidays, treasure hunts and sugar highs.  This year, I'm seriously considering making my own chocolate bunnies and eggs, but with sugar-free chocolate. Ditto for Hot Cross Buns.

The chocolate bunny recipe, incidentally, is so easy even the kids can make it. I love kid-friendly recipes! But I'm stuck on ideas for a good egg hunt. Anybody?

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