Saturday, February 21, 2009

Money, money, money - it's not funny

Money, money, money. It's always about money nowadays. 2009 is the year of:
  1. saving money, 
  2. wishing you had more money, 
  3. blowing money on "70%-off!!!" sales.
I do a lot of 2 and 3, but not enough of 1. 

I may have a degree in mathematics, but budgeting is still a foreign word to me. I honestly don't know how other people do it. I only have two modes: "buy what I want" and "agonise over every purchase, wonder whether we can make do without paper towels this month, put bottled water back on the shelf (tap is ok for me), plan popcorn for dinner 3 times a week"... you get the idea.

This week's resolution is to become smarter about my family's spending, so I'm reading:
so that I don't have to read How To Deal With Debt.

So far, my favourite tips include making my own cleaning products with vinegar&soda and replacing small toys with daily walks in the kids' "treats" bag.

Please leave comments with your own tips.

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