Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Guess what my mother in law said...

Mothers in law (MIL): the good, the bad and the ugly (figuratively speaking, that is... or not). Sometimes they can be helpful. Sometimes they have too many opinions. Sometimes they are still number one, with you a distant second.

I’ve trawled the Internet for some good MIL jokes, and all I found were bad ones. Still, I couldn’t resist quoting a few, heavily censored, that is.

New story line for some of our favourite TV shows:

  • Survivor: Stay at home and vote to keep the MILs on the island forever.
  • MIL Hunter: Go Down Under and watch as one man gets close to nature and risks getting his head bitten off by one of mankind's oldest and fiercest enemies.
  • Family Law: In this episode, a woman fights to divorce her MIL while remaining married to her husband.
  • Unsolved Mysteries - Missing MILs: MILs are disappearing all over the city... and no one is looking for them!

(Speaking of TV, have you ever wondered how to make smart TV choices for kids? Have a look at these tips for kids and TV watching.)

My own mother in law is all right... I mean, she must be. My husband always tells me I’m just like her.... But seriously, she and I like the same books and the same actors, we have similar values and life philosophies. Still, from time to time she manages to say something to remind me of the power battle between us.

My favourite has to be the time she asked me when I would get a real job... because a mother of two preschoolers who works from home doing stuff she loves can’t possibly be doing a real job, right? Fortunately my husband piped up in my defence: “She does have a real job: she earns more than I do!”

Do you have a story about your MIL? Like, this uncontrollable desire you get to lock yourself in a room or closet every time she visits? Come share it on Kidspot Social.

Oh, and if you ever feel like selling your mother in law,
Kidspot Market is the place other mums go to look for goodies, LOL.

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